Charles Darwin Admitted that it is Absurd to Believe that the Eye Could have been Formed by Natural
“To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different...

Exposing the False Prosperity Gospel of Joel Osteen
Exposing the False Prosperity Gospel of Joel Osteen The theme of his books and sermons is clearly man centered rather than God centered....

What the Bible Has to Say About Halloween
The Bible condemns all sorcery and witchcraft and Christians ought to abstain from all form and appearance of evil. We ought to walk in...

Halloween: Kid's Treat or Pagan Trick?
Halloween: Kid's Treat or Pagan Trick? Many Christians celebrate holidays, such as Halloween, without thinking about their origins or...

Halloween: An Annual Peril
Halloween: An Annual Peril Halloween is associated with paganism, witchcraft and Romanism and yet most professing Christians are found...

The Cross of Christ
What do you think about the cross of Christ? The question may be one that you consider of little importance: but it deeply concerns the...

What Roman Catholics Find When They Study Their Own Bible
What Roman Catholics Find When They Study Their Own Bible Roman Catholics are taught many things. They are often told about the contents...

Who Is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Ans: The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, co–equal and co–eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jn. 1:1. In the...

Fire Fire!
Fire! Fire! by J. C. Ryle When a house is on fire, what ought to be done first? We ought to give the alarm and wake the inhabitants. This...