Who Is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Ans: The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, co–equal and co–eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jn. 1:1. In the...

Believer's Baptism By Immersion
BELIEVER’S BAPTISM BY IMMERSION: A NEW TESTAMENT AND BAPTIST DISTINCTIVE By Dr. W.R. Downing An excellent article explaining the meaning...

How May We Know God?
How May We Know God? By Dr. W.R. Downing Ans: We may know God only as he has been pleased to reveal himself to us. Job 11:7. Canst thou...

A Catechism on Biblical Doctrine
Order a free book of A Catechism on Biblical Doctrine by Dr. W.R. Downing Study Online Order a free paperback copy Download as PDF Using...

Can Any Human Being by His Own Efforts Merit or Earn Acceptance Before God?
Can any human being by his own efforts merit or earn acceptance before God? By W.R. Downing Ans: No. By any attempt at justification by...

Who Is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Who is the Lord Jesus Christ? By W.R. Downing Ans: The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, co–equal and co–eternal with the...

What is the Chief End of Man?
What is the Chief End of man? By Dr. W.R. Downing Ans: Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. 1 Cor. 10:31. Whether...