Jesus Christ Is God
Listen to this excellent series on the Deity of Christ:

Who Is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Ans: The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, co–equal and co–eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jn. 1:1. In the...

Eight Lies You Hear On Campus and In the World
Eight Lies You Hear On Campus and In the World By Richard Ochs Lie #1: In order to believe the Bible one must commit intellectual...

Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus By Newman Hall (1816-1902) Come to Jesus invites sinners to the Savior. In thirty-one short sections, Hall lays out the...

The Deity of Christ
The Deity of Christ By L.R. Shelton, JR. IT HAS BEEN UPON MY HEART FOR SOME TIME now to bring a series of messages on the Eternal Sonship...

Who Is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Who is the Lord Jesus Christ? By W.R. Downing Ans: The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, co–equal and co–eternal with the...

Doctrine of Divinity of Christ
Doctrine of Divinity of Christ Dr. Stanford E. Murrell 1. The earliest creedal formula establishes the claims of Christ to divinity. 1...

The Deity of Christ and the Resurrection of Christ - The Foundation of Our Faith
The Deity of Christ and the Resurrection of Christ – The Foundation of Our Faith I want to discuss two of the most important Christian...