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Come Unto Me

Isaiah 53

Come Unto Me

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28).

Have you sins, or have you none? If you have, where should you go, but to the Lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world? Have you souls, or have you none? If you have, where should you go, but to the Saviour of souls? Is there a life to come, or is there not? If there is, where should you go but to Him, who only has the words of eternal life? Is there a wrath to come, or is there not? If there is, where should you go but to Him, who only can deliver from the wrath to come?

And will the Saviour not receive you? If He yielded Himself into the hands of them that sought His life, will He hide Himself from the hearts of them that seek His mercy? If He was willing to be taken by the hand of violence, is He not more willing to be taken by the hands of faith? He that died for your sins, will He cast you off for your infirmities? O come, come, come! I charge you come. I beseech you come. Come, and He will give you life. Come, and He will give you rest. Come, and He will receive you. Knock, and He will open to you. Look to Him, and He will save you.

Did any ever come to Jesus for a cure, and go away without it? You would find something in yourself, but you find nothing but what you have reason to be ashamed of; but let not that hinder, but further your coming. Come as you are; come poor, come needy, come naked, come empty, come wretched, only come, only believe. His heart is free, His arms are open; ’tis His joy and His crown to receive you. - John Mason (1646-1694)

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